Matt Wirgler

Open Your Eyes




When there are four more months to the harvest –

·       we’ve got lots of time.

·       We’ll do it later.


"never put off until tomorrow that which you can put off until the day after tomorrow"


Procrastination is like a credit card... fun until you get the bill.


If I gave you $500 a said to go spend it at the mall that would not be hard

·        We procrastinate on what is hard or unpleasant

Sure many things God call us to do is not pleasant.

·        Repentance is not pleasant.

·        Confession is not easy.

·        Not easy to get up early and pray.

·        Not easy to admit wrong.

·        Not easy to say I’m sorry.


Many things are not pleasant.

·        Just do it (Nike),

·        Like taking bad medicine,

o       My kids get prepared      

·        Just do it. If we hesitate, we may never do it.

·        Our hearts will harden.

·        We may lose our soul



A.       Can’t Procrastinate

·       Kinko’s is a busy place between midnight & 4am – I’ve been there.



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